
2008 Vermont Archery Buck 138 3/8″, 8 1/2- 9 1/2 years old

Pete Porter Is The Exclusive Nationwide Retail & Wholesale Agent of Deer Antler Magic, the Premier Antler Restoration Product!

Pete: Avid Hunter, Fisherman, Karate Master and Outdoors Man. Master Angler since 1981

James Smith Jr, President of New Hampshire Antler & Skull Club and Granite State Hunting  Adventures is New England Dealer

  • X-Stream Fishing Guide Service – Alaska- New York- Vermont
  • Trophy Head Hunts – Guide/Outfitter  New York- Vermont- Florida
  • Master Antler Scorer
  • Record book of Exotics-Certified Scorer
  • Northeast Big Buck Club – Scorer
  • New Hampshire Shed Hunter’s Club- Scorer
  • Northwood’s Common Scents- Pro Staff
  • Woodwise Callmaster- Pro Staff
  • North American Safari television official scorer
  • NAS television “Hitmen” professional hunter
  • The Wolf & Wild Canine Sanctuary- Director  1986- Present
  • Buckmaster’s Regional Director 1996- 2009
  • New England Dealer “DEER ANTLER MAGIC”- Antler darkening system
  • Only hunter to have taken three Vermont  P&Y Bucks
  • NH 200+ pound Buck Club

2009 New Hampshire Buck 140 class buck- 5 1/2 years old

2009 New Hampshire Buck 140 class buck- 5 1/2 years old

DEER ANTLER MAGIC is the Premier product made to restore, recolor and darken moose, elk, caribou and deer antlers back to their original colors

DAM is activated by a raw(Not eco friendly) lacquer thinner. Many brands work, I have been told Mineral Spirits works okay. Others that worked in the past have changed formulas and no longer work. Best to activate DAM in a warmer weather in a well ventilated area and NEVER around a heat source, fire or pilot lights. There is a combustible vapor. DAM is almost impossible to light BEFORE a lacquer thinner is added. Thinners evaporate very fast and it is easy to work with and control color. Please watch the video prior to purchase.

I have opened sales back in Texas and California only if you have found and purchased Master’s ALL PURPOSE THINNER! Unlike other lacquer thinners, this works every time. I’d rather have a check than Paypal every day of the week. I encourage you to contact me when doing your first set of antlers. Make sure the thinner melts the DAM to a mud consistency prior to trying it.

Make check or money order out to: Pete Porter and send to: 215 Salem Pond Drive, Hurdle Mills, North Carolina, 27541

WE TAKE PAYPAL. Email us at