Pete Porter Is The Exclusive Nationwide Retail & Wholesale Agent of Deer Antler Magic, the Premier Antler Restoration Product!
Pete: Avid Hunter, Fisherman, Karate Master and Outdoors Man. Master Angler since 1981
James Smith Jr, President of New Hampshire Antler & Skull Club and Granite State Hunting Adventures is New England Dealer
- X-Stream Fishing Guide Service – Alaska- New York- Vermont
- Trophy Head Hunts – Guide/Outfitter New York- Vermont- Florida
- Master Antler Scorer
- Record book of Exotics-Certified Scorer
- Northeast Big Buck Club – Scorer
- New Hampshire Shed Hunter’s Club- Scorer
- Northwood’s Common Scents- Pro Staff
- Woodwise Callmaster- Pro Staff
- North American Safari television official scorer
- NAS television “Hitmen” professional hunter
- The Wolf & Wild Canine Sanctuary- Director 1986- Present
- Buckmaster’s Regional Director 1996- 2009
- New England Dealer “DEER ANTLER MAGIC”- Antler darkening system
- Only hunter to have taken three Vermont P&Y Bucks
- NH 200+ pound Buck Club
DEER ANTLER MAGIC is the Premier product made to restore, recolor and darken moose, elk, caribou and deer antlers back to their original colors
DAM is activated by a raw(Not eco friendly) lacquer thinner. Many brands work, I have been told Mineral Spirits works okay. Others that worked in the past have changed formulas and no longer work. Best to activate DAM in a warmer weather in a well ventilated area and NEVER around a heat source, fire or pilot lights. There is a combustible vapor. DAM is almost impossible to light BEFORE a lacquer thinner is added. Thinners evaporate very fast and it is easy to work with and control color. Please watch the video prior to purchase.
I have opened sales back in Texas and California only if you have found and purchased Master’s ALL PURPOSE THINNER! Unlike other lacquer thinners, this works every time. I’d rather have a check than Paypal every day of the week. I encourage you to contact me when doing your first set of antlers. Make sure the thinner melts the DAM to a mud consistency prior to trying it.
Make check or money order out to: Pete Porter and send to: 215 Salem Pond Drive, Hurdle Mills, North Carolina, 27541
WE TAKE PAYPAL. Email us at